The ZBA has announced the September 18th session will be open for public hearing and we hope that many of you will attend the all important hearing on Wednesday evening to show our support for no commercial development in Greater Teatown. This will be the main hearing in which the ZBA will hear arguments as to whether to uphold a memorandum issued by Cortlandt town staff that the proposed Hudson Ridge facility is not a hospital.

Procedures for the hearing: As we’ve mentioned before, this is a legal and technical issue, so it will not be your average public hearing. At the ZBA session, the Director of Code Enforcement, who wrote the memorandum of his findings that Hudson Ridge Wellness Center is a not hospital but a rehab center to the Town Staff, will answer questions from ZBA members. As in the previous sessions, we expect the applicant’s attorney will present his arguments on why Hudson Ridge is a hospital with their healthcare experts and consultants. To ensure that our message is communicated in a clear and consistent manner, we have asked CRHISD attorneys and their healthcare experts to speak on our behalf. We ask everyone to be respectful and allow the ZBA members to focus on the technical issues at hand by refraining to speak unless it can add to the legal or technical clarification on defining a hospital.

Is Anyone a healthcare or code expert?: If you are an expert in SIC codes, the Cortlandt building code, or New York state law governing hospitals and licensing and have something pertinent to say about how or why the Hudson Ridge proposal does not fit the definition of a hospital or have some issues or points that you think are important to raise, please contact us ( and we will review them with our attorneys. We want to hear your perspective and figure out how to best bring your information before the ZBA.

Our Attendance is the Most Powerful Statement We Can Make: We have been advised that the most important contribution we can make to this public hearing is simply show up. A large contingent of Greater Teatown residents sitting behind our attorneys and experts will speak volumes to the ZBA members.

So, please come with as many neighbors, family members and friends as you can. Let’s present a united front to the ZBA, and speak up for Greater Teatown.

WHEN: Wednesday, September 18, 7 PM
WHERE: Cortlandt Town Hall @ 1 Heady Street, Cortlandt Manor, NY